Summer is the uppermost ideal time of year to move! Between the months of May and August it is not uncommon to see moving trucks all over the place. Although it is a popular time of the year to move, the summer heat can be a factor to some homeowners and companies trying to get the job done! No worker or homeowner wants to lift hefty boxes and furniture in scorching heat. Here are some tips for a successful summer move while beating the heat!

Plan In Advance

Since the summer is the height of people moving, it is recommended to get started early! Moving companies fill up their schedules quickly because of the high demand. Try to look for companies at least a month and a half in advance prior to the move-out date. Organize and pack boxes early with personal belongings that are not necessities first, and then make your way toward essentials. Starting early in your move will keep you organized and as less stressed come the final day. On the day of your move, get started early in the morning and wear light clothing. This will get the work done faster and by wearing the right clothing can keep you cooler!

Keep Hydrated

Be persistent and drink lots of water! It is important to stay hydrated especially while doing labor in the summer. Lifting numerous boxes, furniture, and other items are sure to work up a sweat! If you are not careful and do not drink water to replenish what it lost, it can be detrimental toward your health. Dehydration is something you want to avoid and can affect people differently especially differing by age. If you or someone you are with are experiencing fatigue, confusion, extreme thirst, and dizziness, it is recommended to take a break and replenish your body. To avoid this, keep an extra supply of water on your moving day!

Crank the Air Conditioning

If you know your moving day is forecasted to be on a sweltering hot day, turn the air conditioning on before your move out day. Having the house cool on the moving day will be beneficial for the movers and yourself. Everyone will be able to catch a quick break and can contribute toward preventing your body from overheating.

Put On Sunscreen

Even if it is a cloudy day, apply that sunscreen! People burn much easier on cloudier days compared to a normal sunny day! You are going to be outdoors for most of the day so it is smart to cover all vital areas. The face, neck, ears, legs, arms, and shoulders are all places that could easily burn. The last thing any person wants to deal with while moving is an uncomfortable and stinging sunburn.

Move During An Idle Day

During the summer, the weekends are always jam-packed with traffic. People are going on vacations and visiting other destinations. The beginning and end of the month are always busy because that is when most people move! Weekdays during the summer are ideal because people are either working or on vacation. This makes for lighter traffic. Do not hire a moving company last minute especially for a weekend because they are probably booked! Plan ahead!

If you would like more information or a quote on our moving or storage services, contact us today!

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